Watercolor rendering of a classical townhouse in Chicago. Originally designed in the early Twentieth Century by McKim, Mead, and White for Edward T. Blair, the building now houses a surgical museum owned by the International College of Surgeons. Its attractive façade exemplifies the simple elegance of a classic residence. Composition, drawing, and painting by Luke Golesh of Golesh Architecture
Watercolor Analytique of a classical townhouse in Chicago


International College of Surgeons

Watercolor rendering of a classical townhouse in Chicago. Originally designed in the early Twentieth Century by McKim, Mead, and White for Edward T. Blair, the building now houses a surgical museum owned by the International College of Surgeons. Its attractive façade exemplifies the simple elegance of a classic residence.

Composed, drawn, and rendered by Luke Golesh while attending the University of Notre Dame School of Architecture under Professor Christine Franck.